Turbotz Testing 20XX is a tower defense game infused with clicker gameplay and rogue-lite elements. Join the Turbotz Institute in researching the explosive potential of turret robots by testing them under diverse conditions and parameters. Collect research, unlock new elements to experiment with, and push the limits of existing turbotz through dynamic transformations. Discover the countless varieties of antroids and the creative ways to obliterate them! Change the world—one explosion at a time. Twitch Integration: Connect with Twitch to enable full audience participation in a 'Twitch Plays'-style experience with advanced customization options. Decide how viewers can interact—whether through structured voting or pure chaos. Viewers can join the side of the Turbotz or the Antroids, with their chosen allegiance displayed alongside their username. Their contributions are tracked on a leaderboard, highlighting kills and damage dealt.Reviews
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